Campus Attendance Procedures

  • Attendance is taken at 10:00 every day.

  • If your student will be absent, you must call the front office before 10:00. 

  • Excuse notes must be turned in to the front office within 3 days of the student returning to campus. The school will only excuse 5 absences for the school year with a parent note. All other absences will only be excused with a note from a physician.

  • If your child has a previously scheduled doctor appointment, they will be counted present if they return to school with a doctor’s note

*Remember: excused absences mean the same thing as unexcused absences when students miss the learning*

Skyward Attendance Letters

Per Texas Education Code §25.095, schools must notify parents of their student’s attendance. Attendance letters are automatically generated from Skyward and sent home with a student after 5 tardies, 3 unexcused, and 4, 7, and 9 total absences per semester. These letters are black and white and detail the laws regarding truancy and your child’s current attendance.

Attendance Review Committee Meetings

In compliance with Texas Education Code §25.095, once a student reaches 7 or more absences (excused or unexcused) OR has 3 unexcused absences within a 4-week period, Connally Primary School is required to request the presence of a student’s parent/guardian at an Attendance Review Committee meeting to discuss their child’s attendance. A letter on an official letterhead will be sent home with your child along with a copy mailed to the address on file inviting you to set up a meeting.  

Students who are on an attendance contract will be required to attend Intervention Fridays to make up for lost instructional time.

Excessive Absences

Texas Education Code §25.092: Students cannot miss more than 15 days of school in the school year, whether the absences are excused or unexcused. If a student misses more than 15 days of school, they may be required to attend summer school or may not be promoted to the next grade level.

For questions concerning attendance and truancy, please contact Mrs. Waters at or 254-296-7600.