For students who have medications at school, we will be conducting a District-Wide Medication Pickup on Monday, April 27, from 7:30 am - 1:00 pm, at each campus. Please remain in your vehicle for drive-through service. CECC: Front Door, CPS: Front Door, CES: Front Door, CJH: Parent Pick Up Area (Last covered walkway door #3), CHS: Front Door
over 4 years ago, Connally ISD
Per the Governor’s Executive Order, Connally ISD will be closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. However; we will continue to provide instruction for at-home learning and will continue our meal service for the remainder of the school year.  We realize there will be many questions for students, teachers, and parents concerning graduation, returning materials, and collecting items from the school buildings. As mentioned during the Governor's press conference, Texas Education Agency Commissioner Morath will be providing guidance for schools early next week concerning these questions and many more logistics related to closing for the remainder of the year. With this guidance, district administrators and principals will be creating plans to complete and close the 2019-2020 school year. As these plans are complete, we will be sending out updates that should answer many of your questions. Your patience is appreciated. Thank you for all your support as we navigate this process. This is a unique situation that is new to all of us. You can expect to receive more information as we continue through the remainder of the school year.  I hope you have a great weekend. Stay safe and healthy! Wesley Holt, Superintendent, Connally ISD
over 4 years ago, Connally ISD
Governor Abbott amended his Executive Order calling for all Texas schools to remain closed through the end of the school year. Connally ISD facilities will be closed and all events/activities canceled through the end of May.  We will continue our remote learning/instruction and continue our meal service. Wesley Holt Superintendent Connally ISD
over 4 years ago, Connally ISD
Greetings Cadet families! We are in week four of our COVID-19 closure and remote learning. This has been a trying time for parents, students and teachers. We are still working through some issues, but we are all learning as we go. I want to thank all of you for your patience and dedication to your child’s education during this time. I appreciate the extra time and effort you are putting into being the motivator, coach, teacher, and administrator while your students are learning at home. I also appreciate the feedback and communication to assist us in making this a smoother process. Due to the abrupt transition to remote learning, Connally High School is making adjustments to the grading guidelines for the 5th six weeks and for the remainder of the school closure. All grades will carry equal weight in the gradebook. Ensuring academic integrity on heavily weighted assignments such as tests is virtually impossible. This is an additional burden we do not want to place on our parents. We already appreciate all the additional tasks you are taking on during remote learning. The fifth six weeks grading period ends on Thursday, April 9th with report cards being mailed on Thursday, April 16th. Students who have not returned all of their work during the school closure will receive an incomplete grade in courses where assignments are missing. They will be given until May 1, 2020 to clear the incomplete grade. After May 1st all missing assignments will be given a zero and the final grade will be recorded. Please keep in mind, grades for students completing paper based assignments take about a week to week and a half to process after they are turned in at a collection site. Once the assignments are collected, we disinfect them and allow them to sit untouched for 48-72 hours before scanning them to the teachers. The sooner students submit their assignments online or to a collection site, the more accurate their grade report will be in Skyward. I encourage you and your student to be in contact with their teachers to clear up missing assignments or get additional assistance and clarification. Teachers are relying heavily on email and Google Classroom to correspond with students. If you are unsure of how to contact a specific teacher, please let me know and I will have them contact you by your preferred method of phone or email. I would also like to remind all families of our free breakfast and lunch services. Any child age 1 to 18 years old can get a free breakfast from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. and free lunch from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Monday - Friday. On Friday, each child will be provided with additional breakfast and lunch meals for Saturday and Sunday. This week, the additional meals will be distributed on Thursday. ALL food distribution and assignment collection locations will be closed on Friday, April 10th and Monday, April 13th due to the holiday weekend. The new assignment packets will be available on Tuesday, April 14th. Always. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns we can assist you with during the closure. Sincerely, Jill Talamantez Principal
almost 5 years ago, Connally ISD
You hear it all the time during flu season: wash your hands to prevent the spread of flu. You may have heard advice encouraging you to do the same to stop the spread of COVID-19. But do you know why this simple practice works so effectively? Washing your hands with soap and water breaks up the molecules of the virus and washes them away, preventing the virus from infecting you or others. To be able to effectively and reliably break up the virus cells, you must wash your hands thoroughly and vigorously for at least 20 seconds. Doing this can be incredibly effective! In fact, a study showed that when a group of elementary-aged school children participated in supervised handwashing 2-4 times per day, the spread of a similar virus was reduced by 47% While it is important to wash your hands, it is also important that we all regularly disinfect surfaces. COVID-19 has been shown to live for up to three days on various surfaces. If you must leave your home for essential services, be sure to wash your hands as soon as you return and disinfect any surfaces you may have touched. If someone in your home is ill, it’s also important to regularly disinfect. Applying soap and water plus commonly used disinfectants to frequently touched surfaces will break up the virus and carry it away, in the same way soap kills and carries away the virus on your hands. We hope you and your family are able to regularly take these simple steps, which will help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and help your family to stay well. For more information on preventing the spread of COVID-19, visit
almost 5 years ago, Connally ISD
TEA Image Keep Hands Clean, Clean and Disinfect
ANNOUNCING CLOSURE BEING EXTENDED THROUGH FRIDAY, MAY 1ST, 2020 Given the rapidly evolving situation with COVID-19, Connally ISD will extend the suspension of normal district operations at least through Friday, May 1st  in an effort to support our nation’s need to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus or COVID-19.  Our health officials report that cases are continuing to spread in the state, and an increase in confirmed cases in our county seems likely.  Suspending operations for this length of time will allow us to determine, in coordination with local health officials, state government, and the local government whether the virus is continuing to have community spread or whether it has been contained.  We are coordinating with other school districts in the county and will use the week of April 27th to make any decisions on whether there is a need to extend the suspension further.  To provide a sense of possible impact in order to help you prepare please continue to check our website at or our social media postings. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has outlined the need for all communities to implement a social distancing protocol.  We want to reiterate a request to our broader community to take the following reasonable precautions to prevent the spread of the illness: ·         Don’t shake hands ·         Wash your hands regularly ·         Limit movement within the community, especially avoiding crowded placed and maintaining 6 ft of distance between people   ·         If you are moving around in the community, don’t congregate in large groups ·         For those who have traveled to areas with known COVID-19 cases – both inside and outside of the country – we ask that you self-quarantine and monitor for symptoms. Students who have traveled should plan to stay home for two weeks after arriving home. Please contact your campus to let them know, and this will be considered an excused absence. ·         If you suspect you have symptoms of COVID-19, call your health care provider for medical advice. ·         Keep your child at home, if he/she feels ill, even if you think it is just a cold. ·         Do not leave the house if you are ill, except to access medical care This is a quickly changing situation, and we will continue to monitor information, will assess conditions throughout the week, and will provide updates via our website and social media. Thank you for your support and cooperation as we ensure that all members of the community in Connally ISD stay safe and healthy.  
almost 5 years ago, Connally ISD
Does your child (any grade) need a paper packet to complete their school work? Please visit any Connally ISD curbside feeding site to pick up work for your student between 8am-9am or 11am-12:30pm. Starting Monday, CPS will have packets at the feeding sites as well. CPS will also leave packets out on a table in front of the CISD Administration Building, Mondays only, from 9am-8pm. Curbside Feeding Sites (Monday-Friday): -Connally Elementary School- 300 Cadet Way, Waco, TX 76705, -Lacy Lakeview Civic Center- 505 E. Craven, Waco, TX 76705, -Brazos Village Apartments- 2525 Lakeshore Drive, Waco, TX 76705, -Chalk Bluff Baptist Church- 5993 Gholson Rd, Waco, TX 76705, -Elm Mott Center- W. Elm Mott Drive
almost 5 years ago, Connally ISD
Although McLennan County is under a Shelter in Place Order, Connally ISD will continue to provide breakfast and lunch at 5 locations (curbside pick up or student walk-up). This is considered an "essential activity". Children ages 0-18. One meal per child and children must be present to receive a meal! This is still a requirement by USDA. For all parents picking up meals, each child must be in your vehicle in order to receive a meal. When: Monday-Friday, Breakfast 8am-9am, Lunch 11am-12:30pm- Where: Connally Elementary School- 300 Cadet Way, Waco, TX 76705, Lacy Lakeview Civic Center- 505 E. Craven, Waco, TX 76705, Brazos Village Apartments- 2525 Lakeshore Drive, Waco, TX 76705, Chalk Bluff Baptist Church- 5993 Gholson Rd, Waco, TX 76705, Elm Mott Center- W. Elm Mott Drive
almost 5 years ago, Connally ISD
ANNOUNCING CLOSURE BEING EXTENDED THROUGH FRIDAY, APRIL 3RD, 2020 Given the rapidly evolving situation with COVID-19, Connally ISD will extend the suspension of normal district operations through Friday, April 3rd in an effort to support our nation’s need to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus or COVID-19.  Our health officials report that cases are continuing to spread in the state and an increase in confirmed cases in our county seems likely.  Suspending operations for this length of time will allow us to determine, in coordination with local health officials, state government, and the local government whether the virus is continuing to have community spread or whether it has been contained.  We are coordinating with other school districts in the county and will use the week of April 3rd to make any decisions on whether there is a need to extend the suspension further.  To provide a sense of possible impact in order to help you prepare please continue to check our website at or our social media postings. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has outlined the need for all communities to implement a social distancing protocol.  We want to reiterate a request to our broader community to take the following reasonable precautions to prevent the spread of the illness: ·         Don’t shake hands ·         Wash your hands regularly ·         Limit movement within the community, especially avoiding crowded placed and maintaining 3 to 6 ft of distance between people (at least an arm’s length) ·         If you are moving around in the community, don’t congregate in large groups ·         For those who have traveled to areas with known COVID-19 cases – both inside and outside of the country – we ask that you self-quarantine and monitor for symptoms. Students who have traveled should plan to stay home for two weeks after arriving home. Please contact your campus to let them know, and this will be considered an excused absence. ·         If you suspect you have symptoms of COVID-19, call your health care provider for medical advice. ·         Keep your child at home, if he/she feels ill, even if you think it is just a cold. ·         Do not leave the house if you are ill, except to access medical care This is a quickly changing situation, and we will continue to monitor information, will assess conditions throughout the week, and will provide updates via our website and social media. Thank you for your support and cooperation as we ensure that all members of the community in Connally stay safe and healthy. Wesley Holt Superintendent Connally ISD
almost 5 years ago, Connally ISD
CISD campuses will reach out to parents regarding student instruction.
almost 5 years ago, Connally ISD
Starting tomorrow, Tuesday, March 17, Connally ISD will provide breakfast and lunch at 4 locations (curbside pick up or student walk-up). One meal per child and CHILD MUST BE PRESENT to receive a meal! For all parents picking up meals, each child must be in your vehicle in order to receive a meal. When: Monday-Friday, Breakfast 8am-9am, Lunch 11am-12:30pm Where: Connally Elementary School- 300 Cadet Way, Waco, TX 76705 Lacy Lakeview Civic Center- 505 E. Craven, Waco, TX 76705 Brazos Village Apartments- 2525 Lakeshore Drive, Waco, TX 76705 Chalk Bluff Baptist Church- 5993 Gholson Rd, Waco, TX 76705
almost 5 years ago, Connally ISD
Dear Connally ISD Families and Community, Over the past few weeks, we have been closely monitoring the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19). This is a quickly developing situation, and while there are no confirmed cases in McLennan County at this time, the cases in Texas are multiplying.  Connally ISD has been closely monitoring guidance from the Texas Education Agency, Texas of Health and Human Services, and the McLennan County Health Department, and felt the need to be more proactive. Area superintendents met this morning to decide together how to best protect Waco area students, our staff members, and our communities, and analyze lessons learned from previous outbreaks such as H1N1.  One body of research describes proactive school closures as “one of the most powerful nonpharmaceutical interventions that we can deploy.” Proactively closing schools before there is a case associated with a school can impede the spread of a virus and possibly save lives. After consulting with medical experts and considering the unique role that our schools can play in slowing the spread of COVID-19, I have made the decision to close all Connally ISD campuses and Connally ISD facilities from March 16 through March 27. We are also canceling all athletic competitions, fine arts performances, and other school activities planned during this time. While we are currently hoping to resume a somewhat normal schedule on March 30, we will continue to assess the situation including whether or not extending this closure might be warranted. This is not a decision that was made lightly. For many of our families, this creates a difficult challenge to supervise children and can impact businesses and other organizations that employ our parents and guardians. However, we have a responsibility to take those steps we can to contain this unknown virus and protect the health of our students, their families, staff members, and community. The Connally ISD Leadership Team will be meeting Monday morning to work on logistics that address the immediate weeks ahead as well as beginning long-term planning. You can expect subsequent communications that address duties for staff, as well as information about instruction and access to resources for families.  Teachers should plan to work from home until further notice and focus on preparing lesson plans to guide instruction. After our Leadership Team is able to meet Monday, we will communicate with staff details about how this will be implemented.   We are committed to supporting students instructionally while they are at home and are developing instructional resources for students and families. We are also committed to supporting students in other ways during this closure such as arranging for food services for students in need. Once we have finalized these plans, we will communicate this information to you. We will continue to work closely with the local health department to assess new developments and the impact on the health and safety of our students and staff. We know you may have questions, and we will provide regular updates via email and text message. You will also be able to find those updates on our website and social media accounts, as well as by working with our media partners. This is a challenging time for our community as well as our nation and the world. Together, however, we will rise to the challenge. Thank you for joining the Connally faculty and staff in this effort to do what we can to slow the spread of this virus.   Sincerely, Wesley Holt Superintendent Connally ISD
almost 5 years ago, Connally ISD
To the Connally Family & Community, Responses to the spread of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) are moving quickly. We are carefully abiding by guidance from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Texas Education Agency (TEA), and the McLennan County Health District. We are aware that Baylor University has extended spring break.  At this time, we have not yet received directives from the Texas Education Agency or local/state/federal government that recommends or allows closure of our public schools prior to any local cases of the illness.  Likewise, while the NCAA has canceled hosting spectators for all competitions, we have not received guidance from the University Scholastic League (UIL) or other host organizations for competitions and performances as of yet. As a part of our local response, we are reviewing our district’s participation in voluntary events. We will continue to communicate at the district and campus-level about student events. To help in monitoring the situation, we are asking that families and staff self-report any recent travel out of the country. The information from these self-report forms will help us assess the possible exposure at the local level to COVID-19 in order to develop plans for days and weeks ahead.  We are also asking if students or staff have a cough with fever, to remain home until fever-free for 24 hours. As of today, we still plan to open on Monday, March 16, as scheduled.  If anything were to change over the next few days, we will make sure to release that information as soon as possible. Wesley Holt Superintendent Connally ISD
almost 5 years ago, Connally ISD
Dear Connally ISD Parents and Staff, As you know the Center for Disease Control has recently shared information about the concerns for public health within the United States due to the novel coronavirus (Covid-19). Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) consider this new Coronavirus to be a serious public health threat, it considers the immediate risk to the American public to be low. To be clear, there have been no reported cases in the Waco area but I think it is important for us to share with you what Connally ISD is currently doing. Understandably, viral illnesses are issues for which we are all concerned and are following closely. Health experts continue to study the virus to understand the full nature of its transmission and best practices for prevention. We are in contact with our local health department to ensure we are learning as much as possible, as information becomes available on how we can continue keep our students and our staff safe. Here are some of the preemptive measures we are currently taking to help control the spread of flu and other potential viruses: Our school nurses and clinic staff follow guidelines set by the Texas Department of State Health Services to protect our children from communicable illnesses. Additionally, our head nurse and emergency operation team are closely monitoring updates by the CDC regarding viruses such as the flu and the novel coronavirus. Our custodial supervisor ensures all classroom and facility surfaces are disinfected daily, and checks with school nurses to get up-to-date information about numbers of current illness cases such as flu or strep, students affected, and areas of potential concentration, so we can better direct targeted cleaning efforts. Along with our custodial staff, our transportation department also takes preventative measures and will be disinfecting buses over Spring Break. We will continue monitoring recommendations by the CDC and local health departments and implement additional measures as we learn more. In the meantime, you can learn more about the novel coronavirus at The measures that prevent the spread of the flu virus will also prevent the spread of the coronavirus. As we currently are in the midst of the traditional flu season, many campus practices to safeguard the health of students, faculty, and staff are already in place. Connally ISD encourages all members of our community to take standard precautions to prevent the spread of viruses. This is a list of preventative measures. • Washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds • Cough and sneeze in your sleeve or tissue. dispose of used tissues properly. • Avoid touching your face, mouth, nose and eyes • Frequently cleaning touch surfaces, including cell phones, laptops, and keyboards; • Avoiding sharing food utensils, containers, and other personal items; • Staying home when ill • Keep your child home when ill with a fever, vomiting or diarrhea Get the flu vaccine (it is not too late) We do have emergency operations plans in place should there ever be a local outbreak of any viral illness. With guidance from health officials and the Center for Disease Control, the head nurse will have the most up to date information as it becomes available. For the latest updates on the Coronavirus or Influenza, please visit the Centers for Disease Control website. For questions regarding the Coronavirus (COVID19) – Call the McLennan County Public Health District 254-750-1890 Pam White District RN
almost 5 years ago, Connally ISD
Connally Elementary School has received the state accountability rating of F for the past two consecutive school years. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has prescribed a process for schools carrying the performance label to undergo in order to develop a turnaround plan. One required step was to engage in a diagnostic known as the Effective Schools Framework conducted by a trained partner at the Education Service Center. The results from the diagnostic were evaluated by a team of Connally stakeholders to develop a "full implementation vision" for each lever identified in the Effective Schools Framework. The vision was then broken down to describe the system and capacity building required, in addition to developing key milestones for implementation. Connally Elementary is collecting feedback from our parents, teachers, students, staff, and community members regarding the proposed plan. Feedback may be emailed to or mailed to Turnaround Plan c/o Connally ISD, 200 Cadet Way, Waco, TX 76705, no later than February 16, 2020. Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Connally ISD
***Update to Connally Athletics*** Due to inclement weather, the boy's soccer game for today has been canceled. There is no rescheduling information at this time. Girl's basketball games have been moved to tomorrow. They will play in China Spring. Freshmen at 10 am, JV around 11 am and Varsity at 12:30 pm. Boys Basketball will play Varsity only today at 4:45 in the main gym at CHS.
almost 5 years ago, Connally ISD
A threat was discovered on a Connally Junior High bathroom stall. Campus administrators and CISD police are investigating. We take all threats seriously to ensure the safety of our students, staff and visitors.
about 5 years ago, Connally ISD
CISD Police identified the minors who made the threat on Wed., Oct. 30th. We will be following disciplinary procedures on this matter. School safety is a top priority for CISD. Thank you, CISD police for the quick response and parents, students and staff for your cooperation.
about 5 years ago, Connally ISD
Shortly before dismissal on Wednesday, Oct. 30, Connally HS received a threat via phone. Connally ISD police were alerted. Local law enforcement officers also responded. Connally ISD takes all threats seriously. CISD Police will investigate the threat to ensure student safety.
about 5 years ago, Connally ISD
On Monday, September 30th, a bus driver was told that a student had a BB gun in his possession. Connally Police Department and Connally Junior High Administration were notified. The BB gun was removed from the student without incident. Connally Police Department is actively investigating the case.
over 5 years ago, Connally ISD