We are again having issues with the phone lines at the Primary and Junior High campuses. We are working with AT&T to get them corrected. Please call the main administration building at 296-6460 if you need assistance.
over 6 years ago, Connally ISD
The phones at CPS and CJH are currently back up.
over 6 years ago, Connally ISD
The phone lines at Connally Primary and Connally Junior High are currently down. Please call 296-6460 for assistance.
over 6 years ago, Connally ISD
CLASS START TIMES BY CAMPUS Early Childhood: 7:45-3:05 Primary: 7:45-3:05 Elementary: 7:45-3:10 Junior High: 8:00-3:56 High School: 8:00-3:50 Please remember that Connally ISD now provides FREE breakfast and lunch. Please be sure to drop your child off early enough to eat breakfast. Let's make sure every morning is a great start to a great day
over 6 years ago, Connally ISD
AT&T is still working on correcting the problem with the phone lines at the Primary and JH. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to have the issue fixed soon. Please contact the main administration building at 296-6460 if you need assistance.
over 6 years ago, Connally ISD
We are currently experiencing trouble with the phone lines at the Primary and Junior High campuses. We are working with AT&T to correct this issue.
over 6 years ago, Connally ISD
Connally ISD will be closed Friday morning for district meetings. We will reopen at 1:30 pm.
over 6 years ago, Connally ISD
We are now accepting transfer applications for the 2018-19 school year. All applications are due by July 27th.
over 6 years ago, David Wimberly
Also be sure to check out our app!
about 7 years ago, Connally ISD
Play and App store icons
Welcome to our new Website!
about 7 years ago, Connally ISD