We learned about the voting process! The students showed their voter registration card to vote. They voted for their favorite cookie: Oreo cookies or chocolate chip cookies...After all of the votes were counted...Oreos won! 💙
Great fun at our literacy night! It’s so important for your child to read with you or to you every day!
The GAP program at Methodist Children’s Home provides services to grandparents and other relatives who care for children in the absence of parents. This is another available resource in our community.
Congratulations, Star Students!
We would greatly appreciate your feedback on our campus survey. Please go to the following link and complete the survey, thanks!
Congratulations, Star Students!
Our spring break is March 11th - 15th. School will resume Monday, March 18th. We hope everyone has a safe, relaxing break!
Don’t forget, Friday, March 8th is an early release day. Buses will leave at noon and parent pick up will begin at 11:40.
Congratulations to last week’s Star Students!
Congrats to Mrs. Fleming’s class for the greatest gains in math and reading on Istation for the month of February! We are proud of you!
We are SO excited to announce that our school family raised a total of $2714.51 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through our Pennies for Patients coin drive. This is amazing! Thank you so very much for your incredible generosity!!
Dr. Seuss fun!
Tomorrow is Cat in the Hat day! Wear your favorite hat!
Congratulations, Star Students!
We are celebrating Dr. Seuss all week! Monday is Fox in Socks day! Wear crazy socks to school!
Our Kinder students are writing!
We like to make our families aware of resources in our community that could potentially be of help. The Hopes program is for children ages 0-5.
Thursday is Crazy Quarters Day! Wear a crazy hat or socks and bring your quarters for Pennies for Patients!
This is our last week of the Pennies for Patients coin drive. We have all together done an incredible job of raising money! Thursday will be Crazy for Quarters day. Wear a crazy hat or socks and bring quarters! Remember you can also donate online here: https://events.lls.org/pages/sctx/Connally-Early-Childhood-Center-2019
No school on Monday, Feb. 18th for President’s Day. See everyone back on Tuesday, Feb. 19th! Have a safe 3 day weekend!