On this solemn day, Connally ISD joins the nation in observance of Patriot Day as a time to remember the lives lost and those forever impacted on September 11, 2001. We honor the brave and selfless heroes who defend our freedom and safeguard our nation.
We just sent out this week's edition of THE FLYOVER! Click here to read all about the awesome things going on around Connally ISD!
Congratulations to our varsity football team for their impressive performance tonight against the Lago Vista Vikings! Tonight's win continues the streak they started last week; the Cadets are now 2-0!
The next game will be held on September 13 at Connally vs Grandview.
The last day to purchase a 2024 Homecoming T-Shirt is Monday, September 9th. All proceeds will go to the Connally ISD Athletic Booster Club. Order forms can be found in the front office of each campus or at this link: https://5il.co/2w2ak
Tomorrow is our first Intervention Friday! Parents of students who are required to attend classes on these days have been notified. Per Section 25.085 of the Texas Education Code, attendance on these class days is MANDATORY for students tagged for intervention. Bus transportation is available for anyone who needs it. More information on bus routes for intervention days can be found here: https://www.connally.org/page/intervention-friday-transportation-plans
THIS FRIDAY is our first day of intervention classes. Parents of students who are required to attend classes on this date have been notified. Students who have been selected for additional instruction on intervention days are required to attend, per Sec. 25.085 of the Texas Education Code.
Campus doors will open for drop off at 7:30. Instruction lasts from 8:00 to 12:00. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. School bus transportation is available for any student who needs it - see the attached post that explains the changes to bus routes/schedules.
If you have a question about intervention classes, please contact your campus principal.
We just sent out this week's edition of THE FLYOVER! Click here to read all about the awesome things going on around Connally ISD!
There was an error in the previous message that went out regarding the upcoming School Health Advisory Council Meeting. The next SHAC Meeting will be held on September 24 at 4:00 PM at the Connally ISD Admin Building. More information regarding the School Health Advisory Council can be found at: www.connally.org/page/shac
All Connally ISD campuses will be CLOSED on Monday, September 2, in observance of Labor Day. Students will return to school on September 3. A complete copy of this year's instructional calendar can be found here: https://5il.co/2r8xx
Congratulations to our varsity football team for their impressive performance tonight against the Little River Academy Bumblebees! With tonight's win, the Cadets officially start off their 2024 season with a 1-0 record!
The next game will be held on September 6 at Lago Vista.
Connally students are invited to continue the fun of Friday Night Lights by attending FIFTH QUARTER from 9:30 PM to 12:00 AM at Lakeview Baptist Church! There's tons of food, games, and door prizes available for all participants!
We can't wait to see everyone at tonight's football game! The Modern Gentlemen of Connally ISD invite everyone to stop by the administration building starting at 5:30 PM to join them for a tailgate celebration! We hope to see you there!
We are excited to officially kick off the 2024 Varsity Football Season with tonight's HOME game versus the Bumblebees of Little River Academy! Before you head to tonight's game, please take a moment to review these quick reminders:
Tickets for all CISD Athletic Events can be purchased ONLINE at this link: https://connallyisd.hometownticketing.com/embed/all
You can stay up to date with the action at tonight's game even if you can't make it in person! A radio livestream of the game is available FOR FREE at this link: https://streaming.radio.co/s4dcd451f7/listen
A video live stream is available for purchase on the NFHS Network at this link: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/connally-high-school-waco-waco-tx
Take a moment to review our stadium regulations and fan behavior expectations at this link: https://www.connally.org/page/athletic-event-regulations
Please be mindful that students enrolled in 8th grade or below must have an adult present with them at all times throughout the game. They cannot be dropped off and left. Fans are asked to remain in the stands unless they are actively headed to the bathrooms or concession stands. Refusal to adhere to these policies will result in a guest being asked to leave the game without refund.
Connally ISD is excited to announce that our Cafeteria Account Portal is now live! To access your student's account, go to https://www.schoolcafe.com/connallyisd and follow the instructions listed on these graphics.
All Connally ISD students are eligible to receive free breakfast and lunch. Parents can upload funds into their students' Cafeteria Account Portal to be used if their students wish to purchase additional meals, a la carte items, or items from the snack shop.
More information, including breakfast and lunch menus, can be found here: https://www.connally.org/page/child-nutrition
All Connally ISD campuses will be OPEN on Friday, August 30. ALL students should be in attendance for normal instruction. School will be in session for all students every Friday in August. A full copy of this year's calendar can be found here: https://5il.co/2r8xx
Football season is here, so that means it is time for our Mini Cadets to join in on the fun! Students enrolled in Pre-Kindergarten through 3rd grade are encouraged to sign up and participate! There is a one time fee of $25, which includes the cost of the student's shirt and their entry to all home football games. To register, fill out the form at this link: https://5il.co/2uvgm For more information, contact Brittni Schmidt, the CHS Cheer Coach, via email at bschmidt@connally.org.
Please join us in congratulating Chernesia Henry as a graduate of Lakeview Academy!
Chernesia was recognized at last night's board meeting for having met all of the requirements laid out by the Connally Independent School District and the Texas Education Agency to receive her diploma. We are very proud of her and cannot wait to see all that she accomplishes. We hope that she will continue to represent the #CadetStandard with pride as she moves forward in life!
We just sent out this week's edition of THE FLYOVER! Click here to read all about the awesome things going on around Connally ISD!
Connally ISD has made a major shift in math instructional materials for grades K-8 this school year. Families are important partners in education, and the district is interested in feedback on math as we begin this implementation process.
Please complete and submit this survey by August 30.
All Connally ISD campuses will be OPEN on Friday, August 23. ALL students should be in attendance for normal instruction. School will be in session for all students every Friday in August. A full copy of this year's calendar can be found here: https://5il.co/2r8xx