Beat the Bell! 🛎️
Ms. Burke's pre-k students help write the Morning Message.
Ms. Schell's class doing the Safe Keeper Box during their Conscious Discipline morning meeting.
Happy fundraiser participants! Thank you for helping our school!
Ms. Holtzclaw is leading the daily Shared Writing activity called Morning Message. Students learn what good writing looks like through this process. They practice sight words, letter names and sounds, and many more skill!
Happy Schoolstore fundraiser participant! Thank you for helping our school!
Happy Schoolstore fundraiser participant! Thank you for helping our school!
We are setting and tracking lots of goals in kindergarten! One goal is that every child count to 100! We track progress on this bulletin board in the hallway and can't wait to see it fill up with names!
This week's birthday cuties!
Beat the Bell! 🛎️
We are so happy to recognize these amazing ladies who were nominated by their peers this week for their great work!
Parent-teacher conferences will be held during the month of October. These conferences are required and a great way to gain important information about your child's progress!
We are still working to reach 40% student participate in our SchoolStore Fundraiser. We are close but not quite there. Would you consider joining today? Your child brought home a large envelope for the fundraiser. If you need a new one, please email your child's teacher!
Picture Day is this Tuesday, Sept. 24th!
Mark your calendars! The annual Pumpkin Run is always so much fun! Be watching for information about how to sponsor your child for this event!
Huge thanks to Seven Brew coffee in Bellmead for delivering FREE coffee to our staff today!
This kindergartener came dressed appropriately for Nachos & Numbers! We can't wait to see you tonight at 5:30!
Mrs. Rodriguez's kindergarten students demonstrated how to make groups of five into a group of ten during math today.
Happy fundraiser participants! Thank you for helping our school!
Our librarian, Ms. Lambert, is teaching students about the parts of a book during library today! She always makes it creative and fun!