Connally Primary students will report to school tomorrow for a full day of instruction. Due to the water boil notice, please send a water bottle with your student.
9 days ago, Kaylyn Waters
If your child attends Kingdom Builders, Living Word or Connally Daycare, they will need to be picked up from school at 1:15.
9 days ago, Kaylyn Waters
When you come to pick up your student, please stay in your car in the Parent Pick Up line with your student pick up number visible in the windshield. A staff member will check you in and bring your child to you. If you do not have your PPU card, you will need your driver's license and a staff member will verify you for pick up.  We will not release students to anyone who is not already on their approved pick-up list. To ensure a smooth transition, we will only release students to those in the Parent Pick Up line. We will not release students to anyone who walks up to the door. 
9 days ago, Kaylyn Waters
Connally Primary Reminder: There is no school on Monday, January 20th.
15 days ago, Kaylyn Waters
All students report to school for a full day of instruction from 7:30-3:45 every Friday in January.
22 days ago, Kaylyn Waters
Connally Primary Reminder: The first day back for students is Tuesday, January 7th.
27 days ago, Kaylyn Waters
All students have school tomorrow. We will have Early Release at 11:45. Todos los estudiantes tienen escuela mañana. Tendremos salida temprana a las 11:45.
about 1 month ago, Kaylyn Waters
Christmas Parties are from 12-1 today!
about 1 month ago, Kaylyn Waters
Connally Primary: Dress up days this week are Monday: Rudolph Day Tuesday: Grinch Day Wednesday: Ugly Sweater Day Thursday: Jingle Bell Day Friday: Pajama Day
about 2 months ago, Kaylyn Waters
Don’t forget: our 1st grade Christmas program is Monday at 6PM at Connally High School auditorium. Dress up days this week: Monday: Mad About Plaid! Tuesday: Snowman Day! Wednesday: Scarf, beanie and boots! Thursday: Christmas Socks!
about 2 months ago, Kaylyn Waters
Tomorrow is Intervention Friday. School hours are 7:30-12:00. Please remember that the school does not open its doors until 7:30. Students who are dropped off before 7:30 will not have adult supervision. For the safety of our students, please have students remain in your vehicle at parent drop off until an adult comes outside at 7:30 to welcome them. If you would like to arrange for your child to be picked up by transportation on Friday, please contact the bus barn. Mañana es viernes de intervención. El horario escolar es de 7:30 a 12:00. Recuerde que la escuela no abre sus puertas hasta las 7:30. Los estudiantes que sean dejados antes de las 7:30 no tendrán supervisión de un adulto. Para la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes, haga que los estudiantes permanezcan en su vehículo hasta las 7:30 para darles la bienvenida. Si desea hacer arreglos para que el transporte recoja a su hijo el viernes, comuníquese con la estación de autobuses.
about 2 months ago, Kaylyn Waters
Tomorrow is the start of our December Dress Up Days! Monday: Wear a Santa hat or shirt! Tuesday: Dress like a Christmas tree! Wednesday: Dress like an elf! Thursday: Dress like a candy cane!
2 months ago, Kaylyn Waters
The Turkey Trot is tomorrow! It will be held on the track at Mac Peoples Stadium. Parents are welcome to walk with their children. Students must wear tennis shoes and weather appropriate clothing. Parents may sign their children out with their teacher after their Turkey Trot. 1st/FA: 9:00-9:45 3rd: 10:15-11:00 2nd: 1:00-1:45
2 months ago, Kaylyn Waters
3 months ago, Kaylyn Waters
Friday Intervention hours are 8:00-12:00. Our doors open at 7:30 on these days.
3 months ago, Kaylyn Waters
Connally Primary: There will be no Modern Gentlemen for tonight's football game.
3 months ago, Kaylyn Waters
Due to scheduling conflicts, our 1st Grade Christmas Program has been moved up a week. It will now be on Monday, December 9th at the high school auditorium at 6:00 PM.
3 months ago, Kaylyn Waters
Connally Primary: 2nd Grade field trip is still on for today! Students need to wear closed toe shoes and jackets.
3 months ago, Kaylyn Waters
Please join us for our Fall Festival this Saturday!
4 months ago, Kaylyn Waters
Connally Primary: Just a reminder tomorrow is picture day for students and staff. Dress your best and be on time. Pictures will start at 7:30a.
4 months ago, Connally Primary School