Connally Primary:
In observance of Martin Luther King Jr Day, school will be closed Monday, January 16, 2023. Have a great weekend and see you back on Tuesday!
Primary Parents-
Due to unforeseen District wide network outages, Report Card printing has been delayed. Reports Cards for Primary students will go home on Monday. Thank you for your understanding and we apologize for the delay.
Primary Parents-
Our campus currently does not have phone service due to an AT&T internet outage. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Thank you!
Connally Primary:
Students return tomorrow, January 4, 2023.
Connally Primary:
Tomorrow, December 16 is Polar Express Day!
Wear your school appropriate Pajamas!
It's also Early Release Day!! Buses will pick up at our campus at 11:30a. Students must be present on campus until 10:00a to be counted for the day, so please do not pickup before 10a.
Student Christmas Break December 19 - January 3, 2023!
Students Return on January 4, 2023!
Connally Primary:
Tomorrow, December 15 Be Sparkling and Bright!
Wear your favorite Christmas Shirt!
Kona Ice Day 11:30-1:00p
Class Parties Begin @ 1:00pm (Students Only No Parents)
Connally Primary:
Tomorrow, December 14 Candy Cane Day!
Dress like a Candy Cane or Wear red & white!
Connally Primary:
Tomorrow, December 13 Wear your Santa Shirt Day!
Connally Primary:
Tomorrow, December 12 is Grinch Day!
Dress like a Grinch or wear green!
Connally Primary:
We are all set for the Big Kahuna Delivery TOMORROW, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9TH from 11:00-4:00. Please make plans to pick up your fundraiser orders. We do not have freezer space to keep cookie dough frozen . Connally Primary & Big Kahuna will not be responsible for items not picked up.
Thank you in advance!
Connally Primary:
Tomorrow, December 9 is Ugly Sweater Day!
Wear an ugly Christmas Sweater!
Connally Primary:
Tomorrow, December 8 Dress like a Sno-Man Day!
Connally Primary:
Tomorrow, December 7 is Flannel Day!
Wear your flannel shirt!
Connally Primary:
We are all set for the Big Kahuna Delivery on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9TH from 11:00-4:00. Please make plans to pick up your fundraiser orders. We do not have freezer space to keep cookie dough frozen. Connally Primary will not be responsible for items not picked up.
Thank you in advance!
Connally Primary:
Tomorrow, December 6th is Scarf Day:
Wear your favorite scarf!
Connally Primary:
Tomorrow, December 5th is Holiday Socks Day:
Wear your favorite Christmas Socks!
Connally Primary:
We are all set for the Big Kahuna Delivery on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9TH from 11:00-4:00. Please make plans to pick up your fundraiser orders. We do not have freezer space to keep cookie dough frozen. Connally Primary will not be responsible for items not picked up.
Thank you in advance!
Connally Primary:
Tomorrow, December 2nd Dress up Day:
Dress like a Christmas Tree! (ex. Wear green with a blinking Christmas Lights necklace).
CPS-Parents & Students, just a reminder we will be closed November 21-28 for the Thanksgiving Break. We will see you back on Tuesday, November 29th.
Staff Only will report back on the 28th.
Connally Primary: Just a reminder that Kona Ice will be here tomorrow from 11:30-1:00. Klassic 12oz Cup $3 Color Changing Cup 17oz $5 and Refills $3 Scan the QR Code on our Facebook page to pay online. Thanks